Skylark first premiered its Remembrance program in 2019 with the intention of making it an annual event each Memorial Day. Three years later, we are finally able to return to Falmouth with this concert, and expand the concept to present music from multiple times of conflict in our nation’s history. Beginning with gritty revolutionary hymns of William Billings, and carrying through popular folk tunes and bluegrass music of the 20th and 21st centuries, Skylark’s programming is sure to appeal to a broad audience. The program includes many well-known hymns, including Amazing Grace and the Navy Hymn, with stunning solos and pristine ensemble work, along with moving compositions by Zanaida Robles and Margaret Bonds.
MONDAY, MAY 30, 2022 | 3 pm The Lawrence School, Memorial Auditorium 113 Lakeview Ave Falmouth MA This is a FREE concert offered to the community thanks to the generous sponsorship of M. Duffany Builders.
Learn about our COVID-19 safety protocols here
This concert is part of our five-concert 2021-22 subscription season - season subscribers receive discounted tickets to all concerts.